International students on an F-1 or J-1 visa are eligible to be employed in regular on-campus student payroll positions.


Work study positions (campus employment that is funded by the state or federal government) are restricted to U.S. 公民及永久居民. 校园里的大多数职位都是这样  工作研究, 和 many international students are able to successfully find a regular student payroll position.


All international students on an F-1 or J-1 visa who are interested in working on campus must maintain their immigration status  full-time enrollment during the fall 和 spring terms (summer session enrollment is 不 required):

  • 研究生: Full-time enrollment is 9 semester hours, or 6 semester hours plus a graduate assistantship.
  • 本科生: 全日制学时为12学时.


Please 不e that the maximum pay an international student can earn on campus is currently around $700 per month. Getting hired for an on-campus job is 不 guaranteed; nor are a minimum number of work hours guaranteed, 一旦雇佣了.

在学期期间,学生每周最多可以工作20个小时. 这包括研究生助学金. (如果你在一个以上的校园地点工作, 总小时数之和不超过20小时. For example: 10 hours a week working for 爱玛客 和 10 hours a week working for the 招生 office–不 10 爱玛客 hours 和 15 in 招生). Each department has their own budget 和 they will be determining how many hours that you will be working for their area. During breaks (spring, summer, winter), you may work up to 40 hours (all jobs, combined) per week.


这是新葡京博彩官网在校工作的信息. 握手 找校内工作的主要来源是什么. You may also inquire directly with an office or a department 和 ask if they are hiring. 除了, the food service for BSU (爱玛客) 和 the 贝米吉州立大学 bookstore are other on-campus areas where you can work. 要在爱玛客工作,请到 爱玛客网站 寻找“学生工作者”的职位.


BSU campus student workers (any place on campus that’s 不 爱玛客 food service or the BSU bookstore):

祝贺你在波士顿州立大学找到新工作! Please carefully read the following instructions; all steps must be completed before you can begin working.

如果你的新工作是*爱玛客*或*BSU书店* you will be working with their own employment office — 不 the BSU Student Payroll office. 请参阅本页面下方的不同步骤:

  1. 请将您当前的完整本地地址发送至
  2. 你将需要一个美国.S. 社保卡才能开始工作.
  3. The first step is to ensure you have all documents necessary to bring to the local Social 安全 office interview when you apply for your SS card.


  • 护照
  • I-20
  • SS-5表格社会保障卡申请表” Please 不e that it’s available in a fillable form, as well. It’s suggested you complete most or all of this online application before you go to the Social 安全 office.
  • 你最近的I-94表格(不是要求), 按SS-5表格填写, 但建议作为“移民身份证明”). 打印你的 最近的I-94表格. You will need to have your passport information to retrieve your I-94.
  • BSU信函/形式信函:在你找到一份工作之后, 获得一个空白的信(打印在BSU信笺抬头)从 波士顿州立大学学生就业办公室. Bring that letter to the person who will be your work supervisor (they fill in the information regarding type of employment, 主管的名字, 等.)验证你的雇佣. Then the letter needs to be returned to the 波士顿州立大学学生就业办公室 for final signature. 请扫描并通过电子邮件将文件发送到我们的办公室 或者,您也可以在上午9点到早上9点之间送到我们的办公室.m. 下午3点.m. Once we’ve verified your full-time student status, current local address, 等.,我们将准备您的IPC验证信 which you’ll bring with you to the SS office (next bullet point).
  • IPC verification letter signed by the IPC Director, given to you by our office. You can print this out (preferably in color; if 不 color, black 和 white is OK) or email or call our office 和 make arrangements to pick up the paper copy. This letter verifies to the SS office that you are an in-status, 全日制国际学生.

You must bring the original hiring-related documents (不 a copy) with you when you go to the Social 安全 office.

只有在你拥有上面列出的所有项目之后 . . .

  1. Visit the Social 安全 office in Bemidji located at 2900 Hannah Avenue NW, Bemidji. (The office is near WalMart 和 Affinity Credit Union’s main branch). 营业时间为周一至周五上午9点至下午4点. 如有疑问,请致电866-258-6345.
  2. Once you receive your social security card (required before you begin working) in the mail (this may take up to two weeks), you will need to bring the original social security card along with your I-20, I-94 和 护照 to the 学生就业 office (Cashier’s Desk) in 副202. 窗口时间为上午9点30分至下午3点. This will be the final step to complete the BSU student payroll paperwork necessary to get your student employment information entered in the BSU payroll system.
  3. 一旦你收到你的美国护照.S. 社会安全号码/卡, please commit the number to memory: keep your card in a secure place 和 don’t carry the card with you. 读到 身份盗窃.


  1. 请将您当前的完整本地地址发送至
  2. You will need to have gone to the SS office 和 received a receipt showing you’ve applied for your U.S. 社保卡才能开始工作.
  3. The first step is to ensure you have all documents necessary to bring to the local Social 安全 office interview when you apply for your SS card.


  • 护照
  • I-20
  • SS-5表格社会保障卡申请表” Please 不e that it’s available in a fillable form, as well. We recommend you complete most or all of this form online before going to the office.
  • 你最近的I-94表格(不是要求), 按SS-5表格填写, 但建议作为“移民身份证明”). 打印你的 最近的I-94表格.
  • Please scan 和 email the form letter you received from 爱玛客 or the BSU书店 to our office 或者,您也可以在上午9点到早上9点之间送到我们的办公室.m. 下午3点.m. Once we’ve verified your full-time student status, current local address, 等.,我们将准备您的IPC验证信.
  • IPC verification letter signed by the IPC Director, given to you by our office. You can print this out (preferably in color; if 不 color, black 和 white is OK) or email or call our office 和 make arrangements to pick up the paper copy. This letter verifies to the SS office that you are an in-status, 全日制国际学生.
  • You must bring the original hiring-related documents (不 a copy) with you when you go to the Social 安全 office.

只有在你拥有上面列出的所有项目之后 . . .

  1. Visit the Social 安全 office in Bemidji located at 2900 Hannah Avenue NW, Bemidji. (The office is near WalMart 和 Affinity Credit Union’s main branch). 营业时间为周一至周五上午9点至下午4点. 如有疑问,请致电866-258-6345.
  2. 预约后, please work directly with 爱玛客/the BSU bookstore to complete your hiring process. They will need the receipt given to you by the Social 安全 office at the time you applied for your SS number.
  3. 一旦你收到你的美国护照.S. 社会安全号码/卡, please commit the number to memory: keep your card in a secure place 和 don’t carry the card with you. 读到 身份盗窃.

祝一切顺利! 如果您有任何问题,请告诉我们. 享受你的新工作!

工时表 & 付款

You will complete 和 submit your time sheet electronically for supervisor approval, 每两周一次. 如果你有问题,问你的直接主管.

Payday is the Friday of the following week after time sheets are due. Direct deposit of your paycheck into your personal bank account is strongly encouraged.

目前,学生的起薪为12美元.50 USD/hour (minimum) 和 goes up incrementally depending on the total number of hours worked.


(218) 755-2859